It is the last day of my New year holidays today...sigh....
The holiday time always pass so quickly :-(
I am already in 2011 but have some many photos we haven't uploaded yet. These are the new goodies I shopped in using the thanksgiving or christmas holiday Sales YAY !!!
I bought 3 sets for me, my sister, and friend.
Subtotal: 149.85 for 3 sets.
Shipping: 26.24
Discount: -4.00
Grand Total: 172.09
Firstly, Sigma brush that must be very famous was in my wishlist. But, because of lower price, I finally selected Sedoalace. Pink is pretty, and the same pink brush roll is much better than expected.
Even when I pay 26.24 dollors for shipping, this is very good deal, I think. I am going to use all brushes and if the quality is satisfying (I feel it will be), I will recommend it in my JPN blog.